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  • Ανοικτή Ερευνητική Διάλεξη του Δρ Γεώργιου Αμανατίδη, υπεύθυνου σε θέματα κλιματικής πολιτικής στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο

Ανοικτή Ερευνητική Διάλεξη του Δρ Γεώργιου Αμανατίδη, υπεύθυνου σε θέματα κλιματικής πολιτικής στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο

  • Συντάχθηκε 01-06-2023 10:19 Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Ενημερώθηκε: 01-06-2023 10:26

    Ανοικτή Ερευνητική Διάλεξη του Δρ Γεώργιου Αμανατίδη, Parliamentary Research Administrator at European Parliament, Policy Department, ENVI Committee με τίτλο:

    The sixteenth Open Research Lecture in the frame of Postgraduate Studies Programme "Sustainable Engineering and Climate Change", will be delivered on Thursday, 1st of June 2023 at 17:00, Hall Κ2.Α1 and online via zoom  (see below).

    You are welcome to attend the lecture "European policies on climate change and air pollution under the European Green Deal" by Dr. Georgios Amanatidis, Parliamentary Research Administrator at European Parliament, Policy Department for the ENVI Committee.

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    Meeting ID: 823 7223 9714
    Password: 466740


    Georgios Amanatidis

    Georgios Amanatidis holds a degree in physics and a PhD on atmospheric physics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, as well as a master (DEA) on atmospheric chemistry from the University of Paris XII, France. From 1989 to 1994, he worked as a research scientist at the National Scientific Research Center “Demokritos” in Athens, Greece on urban meteorology and air pollution. From 1994 to 2008, he worked as scientific officer in the Environment Directorate of the Research Directorate General of the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium, managing environmental research areas i.e. stratospheric ozone, earth observation and climate change. Since 2008, he has been working at the European Parliament on climate change legislation and policies, first as administrator in the Secretariat of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee and more recently as parliamentary research administrator in the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies. He has organised many European Parliament delegations in international environmental/climate fora, e.g. the UNFCCC COP21 where the Paris Agreement was agreed.

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