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The composition of the Senate, for the Academic Year 2024-2025, is as follows:

1) Rector: Professor Michael Zervakis

2) Dean of the Production Engineering and Management School Professor Michalis Doumpos

   vice-representative: Professor Michael Konsolakis

3) Dean of the Mineral Resources Engineering School Associate Professor Emmanouel Steiakakis

   vice-representative: Professor Nikolaos Lydakis Simantiris

4) Dean of the Electrical & Computer Engineering School Professor Georgios Karystinos

   vice-representative: Associate Professor Vasileios Samoladas

5) Dean of the Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering School Professor Petros Gikas

    vice-representative: Professor Apostolos Voulgarakis

6) Dean of the Architectural Engineering School Associate Professor Alexandros Theocharis Vazakas

   vice-representative: Professor Amalia Kotsaki

7) Fotios Kazasis, representative of the Special Teaching Staff members

     vice-representative: Olga Pantelaki
8)  Ariadni Pantidou, representative of the Special Technical Laboratory Staff members

    vice-representative: Pavlina Rotonto

9) Alexandros Togridis, students' representative


The four (4) Vice-Rectors (Danae Venieri, Fotios Kanellos, Aristomenis Antoniadis and Konstantinos Alketas Ouggrinis)

and the executive director (Maria Gizeli) have the right to attend the Senate Meetings, but are not entitled to vote in any of the matters discussed.


Secretariat:   Dimitra Chavre

Telephone: +30 28210 37761  --   Fax: +30-28210-37843   --  Email: dchavre@tuc.gr


© Technical University of Crete 2012