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MSc Sustainable Technologies of Energy Resources and Raw Materials | Call for Applications 2024-2025

The School of Mineral Resources Engineering of the Technical University of Crete establishes and operates the Postgraduate Program of Studies, which awards the degree of Master of Science (MSc) titled "Sustainable Technologies of Energy Resources and Raw Materials".

The call for applications for the academic year 2024-2025 is now open.

Application deadline extended until the 23rd of August 2024

The applications have to be submitted via the online application system (e-graduate.tuc.gr

The MSc "Sustainable Technologies of Energy Resources and Raw Materials" is part of the second cycle of studies of higher education and incorporates two specializations:

Ι. Sustainable Technologies for Exploitation of Energy Resources-Environment.

II. Sustainable Technologies for Exploration and Exploitation of Raw Materials- Recycling.

The MSc "Sustainable Technologies of Energy Resources and Raw Materials", through a broad interdisciplinary approach, aims to transfer high quality knowledge, know-how and expertise, as well as to promote research among graduate engineers and scientists in the context of sustainable development. Graduates of the MSc will acquire the skills to study and solve critical national and global issues related to the research, exploitation and processing of raw materials and energy resources, using environmentally acceptable methods and in the context of the ongoing transformation of the traditional economic model to the modern circular economy.


For further information about the submission, please visit the following link:

2024-25-Call-MSc-Sustainable Technologies of Energy Resources and Raw Materials

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