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Research paper by Assistant Professor Dimitris Angelakis published in Physical Review Letters

The highly prestigious international journal Physical Review Letters has published a paper by Assistant Professor Dimitris Angelakis, which was the result of his cooperation with fellow scientists from the Centre of Quantum Technology in Singapore as well as fellow scientists from the Institute of Photonics in Barcelona and the State University of New York. The paper describes how natural phenomena that can be observed only in experiments with high energies in large accelerators, can be reproduced and studied in the same way by using quantum photonic systems in the laboratory. Read the article titled: Luttinger Liquid of Photons and Spin-Charge Separation in Hollow-Core Fibers in Physical Review Letters: http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v106/i15/e153601 and a corresponding reference titled:
Mimicking Interacting Relativistic Theories with Stationary Pulses of Light in the following website that highlights new scientific findings: http://hepinfo.net/node/110991. It is worth mentioning that the aforementioned work was presented in an invited talk titled "Quantum simulations with photons: The path from Mott transitions to interacting relativistic theories with light" in the Yang Institute of Theoretical Physics in New York: http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/itp/www/component/gcalendar/day/calendars/1#year=2013&month=03&day=25

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