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New Book by TUC Press: "Social and Environmental Issues to Sustainability"

A new book, entitled "Social and Environmental Issues to Sustainability" (ISBN: 978-618-5558-03-1), has been published by the Technical University of Crete (TUC) Press (Chania 2022). The book consists of 388 pages and the material is organized in five chapters

The book is authored by Rainer Stegmann (Retired Professor of Hamburg University, Germany and Honorable Doctor of the TUC School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering), Evangelos Gidarakos (Professor Emeritus of the TUC School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering), Wenjing Lu (Professor of Tsinghua University, China) and Maria Aivalioti (Doctor and Scientific Assistant of the TUC School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering).

This book is a result of a research project funded by the Technical University of Crete, Greece and realized by the four authors, after the 10th Anniversary of the Crete International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management in 2018. The authors are convinced that all students, regardless which subject they study, need basic knowledge of the environmental and social situation of our globe, the fundamental processes that take place in nature and all the challenges each of us has to overcome. All professions shall also strive for more sustainability, while our decisions and products shall contribute to improve the environment. To strive for a sustainable planet needs a holistic approach. It is important to us to distribute this message through this book and therefore the topics we deal with are quite broad, without going into depth too much.

We tried to write this book in easy, understandable English and present its content in a way that students of all disciplines can benefit. Many publications are available to study specific aspects further. Students may use this book as an accompanying book or textbook. It may be of interest also for schools and of course for all interested citizens. With this book we also want to open our eyes to the beauty of our planet, because we care more for things that we love.

On the book cover we selected open circles around the symbol of our blue planet, representing Environment and Society, enclosed by the outer open circle which symbolizes Sustainability. Due to environmental pollution and climate change, as well as social inequity, these circles are open and the goal is to close them all.

The new book is available through the Property Utilization and Management Company of the Technical University of Crete.

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