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InnoForum 2023 Workshop | InnoExpo 2023 Exhibition | 06.06.2023 @ TUC

A trivial, every-day life problem sparks an innovative idea. You try it out. It really works! For your friends as well! Then, the world is the limit... That’s how you embark on your own journey in innovation. From early on in the sail, you encounter rough seas and face wreckages, until you finally reach steady ground in the entrepreneurial world. Is there a more efficient way to sail? Are failures unavoidable? Can failures help you succeed? These and more questions will be addressed and personal experiences shared by our invited speakers, who have themselves turned failure to a successful journey in innovation.

EURECA-PRO, the European University on Responsible Consumption and Production, organizes the InnoForum 2023 on Tuesday, June 6th, 2023, under the title

"Unlocking the Potential of Failure in Innovation"

as a lively, interpersonal stage to exchange ideas and share experiences in innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) among established, as well as young and aspiring, innovators from the EURECA-PRO Universities and the local community. The event will be offered in a hybrid format, with the invited speakers presenting in person in front of a live audience at TUC Campus, while the EURECA-PRO partners and anyone interested will attend remotely.

The associated InnoExpo 2023 event, which will conclude the day, will serve as our real-life, hands-on platform, where international and local innovators and entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to exhibit and brainstorm around their innovative concepts, approaches and applications.

By attending the InnoForum 2023 and the associated InnoExpo 2023 events, the participant will have the opportunity to learn how to:

  • Manage failure in I&E and then undertake the necessary steps to finally reach success.
  • Pivot around obstacles in I&E.
  • Exchange failure and success stories with peers in I&E.
  • Get exposed to innovative approaches, methodologies and applications for I&E.

Target group: Academics; Staff; Senior Students; Established and aspiring Innovators & Entrepreneurs; General Public

Date: Tuesday, June 6th, 2023 (single-day event)

Times: InnoForum: 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-16:30, InnoExpo: 17:00-19:00

Register by June 5th, 2023 using the general registration form for the EURECA-PRO Innovation & Entrepreneurship Programme.

All actual participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

© Technical University of Crete 2012