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  • IBM Qiskit Global Summer School, July 2023: Theory To Implementation

IBM Qiskit Global Summer School, July 2023: Theory To Implementation

  • Συντάχθηκε 31-05-2023 11:34 από Dimitrios Angelakis Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Email συντάκτη: daggelakis<στο>tuc.gr

    Ενημερώθηκε: -

    Ιδιότητα: ΔΕΠ ΗΜΜΥ.

    The Qiskit Global Summer School 2023 is a two-week intensive summer program designed to empower the quantum researchers and developers of tomorrow with the know-how to explore the world of quantum computing, as well as refresh and sharpen the industry professional's skills. This fourth-annual summer school will focus foundationally on quantum computing by taking a back-to-basics approach, with a look at making the transition from theory to implementation.



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