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International Summer School on Higher Education Research | May 24-30, 2020, St. Petersburg

  • Συντάχθηκε 04-02-2020 14:27 από Thelma Mavridou Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Email συντάκτη: tmavridou<στο>tuc.gr

    Ενημερώθηκε: -

    Κύρια: υπάλληλος. Άλλες ιδιότητες: απόφοιτος προπτυχιακός ΜΠΔ

    VIII International Summer School on Higher Education Research
    'Theoretical and Conceptual Perspectives in Higher Education Research'
    May 24-30, 2020, St. Petersburg

    Deadline for submission – March 1, 2020.

    Institute of Education at National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow) is pleased to invite graduate students and early-career researchers to apply before March 1, 2020. The Summer School brings together a group of international early-career and accomplished scholars in the field to discuss the strengths and limitations of various theoretical approaches and concepts developed in economics, sociology, political science, cultural studies, and multi-disciplinary research perspectives in higher education. They will also consider how these theories and concepts can be applied within different national contexts and reflect on historical and comparative dimensions.

    Confirmed faculty includes: Gaële Goastellec (University of Lausanne), Simon Marginson (University of Oxford), Pedro Teixeira (University of Porto), Jussi Välimaa (University of Jyvaskyla).

    The working language is English.

    More information is here: https://ioe.hse.ru/en/international_school_higher_education.

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