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Παρουσίαση Μεταπτυχιακής Διατριβής της κας Δημητρίου Αικατερίνης, Σχολή ΜΗΧΟΠ
Κατηγορία: Παρουσίαση Μεταπτυχιακής Εργασίας   ΜΗΧΟΠ  
ΤοποθεσίαΕξ’ αποστάσεως - Ανοιχτή στο κοινό
Ώρα21/10/2022 14:00 - 15:00


Title: The role of geosciences in geothermal resources and CCS

Εξεταστική επιτροπή:
Πασαδάκης Νικόλαος, Καθηγητής Μηχ.Ο.Π.
Μαυροματήδης Άγγελος
Μαρινάκης Δημήτριος, ΕΔΙΠ Μηχ.Ο.Π.

Geothermal resources and Carbon Capture Sequestration (CCS) are upcoming and innovative technologies, while also being environmentally friendly. Geothermal resources rely on geothermal energy, which is Earth's natural internal heat. Geothermal energy is clean, renewable, sustainable, and available 24/7.This heat is used for many purposes, such as power generation and district heating/cooling, instead of fossil fuels. As a result, carbon footprint is lower, and the emission of greenhouse gases is preserved at low levels. CCS, on the other hand, prevents CO2 from releasing into the atmosphere and mitigate global warming, which is responsible for climate change.

The role of geosciences, in Geothermal Resources and Carbon Capture Sequestration, is significant, with Geology having the main role. In Geothermal resources, geology is responsible for their existence and can provide crucial information during many stages, like exploration, economic appraisal, and production. While, in CCS, geological setting is very important for sustainable storage of CO2, into the geological formations, to prevent global warming.

As it seems Geothermal Resources and CCS are becoming more favorable and profitable, over time, especially with the development of new technologies and solutions. Greece appears to have huge potential in many locations for both projects.

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