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The Gender Equality Committee (GEC) of the Technical University of Crete was established by decision 2925/24.03.2022 of the Senate of the Technical University of Crete, in the context of Law 4589/2019 and is made up of the following members:

  1. Vasiliki Geropanda, Assistant Professor, School of ARC, vgeropanta<at>tuc.gr (Chair)

  2. Alexandros Stefanakis, Assistant Professor, School of CEE, astefanakis<at>tuc.gr (Vice Chair)

  3. Sotirios Ioannidis, Associate Professor, School of ECE, sioannidis<at>tuc.gr

  4. Michail G. Lagoudakis, Professor, School of ECE, lagoudakis<at>tuc.gr

  5. Dionysia Kolokotsa, Professor, School of CEE, dkolokotsa<at>tuc.gr

  6. Konstantinos-Alketas Ouggrinis, Professor, School of ARC, kouggrinis<at>tuc.gr

  7. Maria Bakatsaki, Academic Staff, School of PEM, mbakatsaki<at>tuc.gr

  8. Eleftheria Karagianni, Administrative Staff, Strategic Planning Unit, ekaragianni<at>tuc.gr

  9. Irini Stavridou, Undergraduate Student, School of PEM, estavridou<at>tuc.gr

© Technical University of Crete 2012