International peer-reviewed papers
- Agioutantis Z., S. Mertikas, C. Steiakakis, A. Daskalakis, A. Tripolitsiotis, G. Krtitikakis, E. Apostolou, G. Kaplanidis, (2014), "Rockfall monitoring system for improving road safety", The 2014 ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium-EUROCK2014, Vigo, Spain, 27-29th May 2014. (http://www.crcnetbase.com/doi/abs/10.1201/b16955-166)
- Apostolou E., Agioutantis Z., Steiakakis C., (2014). “Integrated evaluation of rockfall triggering mechanism “.G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2 Landslide Processes, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Torino Italy. (http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-09057-3_350)
- Partsinevelos P., S. Mertikas, Z. Agioutantis, V. Tsioukas, A. Tripolitsiotis, P. Zervos, (2014), "Rockfall detection along road networks using close range photogrammetry", Proc. SPIE 9229, Second International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2014 - April 7-11, 2014, Paphos, Cyprus), 92291M (August 12, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2068787. (http://spie.org/Publications/Proceedings/Paper/10.1117/12.2068787)
- Partsinevelos, P., C. Kallimani, A. Tripolitsiotis, (2015), "Multi-temporal change image inference towards false alarms reduction for an operational photogrammetric rockfall detection system", Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2015 - March 16-19, 2015, Paphos, Cyprus), (submitted for publication in SPIE proceedings).
- Steiakakis, C., Z. Agioutantis, E. Apostolou, G. Papavgeri, A. Tripolitsiotis, (2015), "Quantitative correlation of rainfall and earth surface displacements for slope stability studies", Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2015 - March 16-19, 2015, Paphos, Cyprus), (submitted for publication in SPIE proceedings).
- Tripolitsiotis A., A. Daskalakis, S. Mertikas, D. Hristopulos, Z. Agioutantis, P. Partsinevelos, (2015), "Detection of small-scale rockfall incidents using their seismic signature", Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2015 - March 16-19, 2015, Paphos, Cyprus), (submitted for publication in SPIE proceedings).
Peer-reviewed papers in Greek
- Agioutantis Z., C. Steiakakis, S. Mertikas, A. Tripolitsiotis, E. Apostolou, A. Daskalakis, G. Kritikakis, G. Vlaxou, G. Kaplanidis, (2014), "Experimental evaluation of a rockfall monitoring system", 7th Hellenic Conference of Geotechnical Engineering. Aigli Zappeiou, Athens, 5-7 November 2014.
- Tripolitsiotis A., C. Steiakakis, Z. Agioutantis, G. Vlaxou, P. Partsinevelos, S. Mertikas, (2014), "Improvement of road safety through the development of a rockfall monitoring system", 1st Hellenic Conference: SafeRhodes2014: Utilization of modern technologies for prevention and management of natural disasters-The civil protection role, 24-26 October 2014, Rhodes, Greece. (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24760754/SafeRhodes2014/3_7%20SafeRhodes%202014.pdf)
Poster or oral conference presentations
- 7th Hellenic Conference of Geotechnical Engineering. Aigli Zappeiou, Athens, 5-7 November 2014 (two presentations)
- SafeRhodes2014: Utilization of modern technologies for prevention and management of natural disasters-The civil protection role, 24-26 October 2014, Rhodes, Greece (in Greek)
- IAEG 2014 Congress, Torino, September 15-19, 2014
- 5th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection - RocExs 2014, Lecco, Italy, 29-31th May 2014 (https://sites.google.com/site/rocexs2014/program/accepted-abstracts) (extended abstract)
- The 2014 ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium-EUROCK2014, Vigo, Spain, 27-29th May 2014
- 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment, RSCy2014 - April 7-11, 2014, Paphos, Cyprus
- 3rd International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment, RSCy2015 - March 16-19, 2014, Paphos, Cyprus.
- Exadaktylos George, (2015), "Early identification of rockfall hazard regions in surface and underground mines and quarries", ERA-MIN Stakeholder Conference, March 17-19 2015 (poster presentation)
- Partsinevelos P., Z. Agioutantis, A. Tripolitsiotis, C. Steiakakis, S. Mertikas, (2015), "Harvesting rockfall hazard evaluation parameters from Google Earth Street View", Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-13275, EGU General Assembly 2015.